Thursday, June 30, 2011

End of Summer I

The first summer semester has just finished, and I'm reviewing student work for the course.  The software reviews could be better, so I think I have to find a better way to present the software.  Not giving students enough opportunity to play with the software is a definite impediment.  I'd like to get about 4 iPads and load them with inexpensive apps. so students can take turns playing.  Hopefully some funds will turn up to do this since Warren Buckleitner is highly recomending that option for preschool classrooms.  An existing PC laptop can be used as the base, although an Apple would be best. 
Take a look at this recent cartoon that may or may not support the use of technology in coordination with real experiences. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My wordle

Wordle: PLAY

Here's my first try at creating a wordle!  Do you get my message?  Go to and try making your own. will take you to my second wordle.  Isn't this fun?  And here's another one:
Wordle: techsavvy2

Friday, February 25, 2011

Something new for Young Children and Tech Class

I have set up this blog so that students in my course ED 211 Young Children and Technology will have an opportunity to see how teachers can use them.  You'll have an opportunity to comment and add your own ideas as well.  I can't wait to get started!